Yoga really is being able to flow, keep centered and breathe At any moment,in any situation. So today,I show up for my weekly class. I arrive to a screw gun, 3 guys, another lady working, room in total dis-array. The nice lady says-oh, sorry, I'm supposed to tell you this was the only time they had to do this building project...I say, no prob, not ideal, but all is well... So I sit and wait for my students. I do warm ups while listening to the lovely hum of the drill. Now it's 5 after-no one has shown up...I stretch deeper while sitting here in the chair. Then it clicks::: this IS WHAT YOGA IS ALL ABOUT!!!! To breathe, be easy, roll with the punches, delve deeper into self-yet become infinite to expand and see things with more clarity. How do I ((FEEL)) IF I AM ANNOYED? HOW DO I ((FEEL)) IF I THINK THIS SITUATION IS HILARIOUS?!?!? It's about keeping your Center with ease with Grace without any anger. The clarity gained also helps you to ask questions, to hatch new ideas to be open to new inspiration. Doing your yoga practice encourages all these things. It's like cleaning the slate.
Do you do yoga/stretches everyday?! Whether you have a full on daily practice, just a few times a week or here and there-its ALL good! If you are one of my readers that just practices weekly or even just sometimes(when your body hurts, and you KNOW you need to stretch) I encourage you to try, just for a week, being conscious of stretching everyday-if that means a reminder from your phone-do it! Or added to your "to-do" list-do it! Whatever it takes to get your MIND in the habit of remembering your BODY!!!>>>Dont worry about figuring out a whole space in your day for a full yoga session-instead try this: Do a forward bend while your morning beverage brews, do a down dog with hands pushing on the counter, swing your arms up and open and take a deep breath as yopu arch back, catch your foot on the step and stretch your get the idea :))) Now fast forward-its 11:30 your little "stretch alarm" goes off, your at your job-what can you do in your chair? mmmm some neck rolls, some wrist stretches, deep its 7:00, your yoga class isnt tonight-howabout striking a pose or two in the living room, how about stretching while you watch that show?!
Yoga can be anytime-anywhere,right?!?!?! Its just a matter of getting yourself in the habit, and starting out gently is how to do it-and you WILL feel the difference, i promise. No need to set lofty goals, start simple friends <3 There is a very good chance it will evolve into a deeper personal practice. And hey, if it doesnt-NO BIG DEAL keep enjoying your little mini stretch breaks! No matter how many years I have done yoga, no matter how many teachers, no matter how many trainings, no matter how many books-I am always still practicing-its never over, never done. Yoga is a lifelong commitment I have made. Carving away time in each day to stretch a little and sometimes ALOT. I stretch my body and I stretch my mind. Carving new grooves in this mind of mine, by being steadfast and one pointed in my practice. Yoga seeps into every particle of my being, of my life-sometimes i completely miss the correlation of the physical practice with the mind practice...but its all inter-connected...just like everything else.
"We are all inextricably connected to a field of awareness that is infinite, unbounded, and eternal. Meditation, yoga and other practices give us direct access to this field of awareness. By allowing our intentions to drop into this state of silence and joy, we put ourselves into the best position for those intentions to manifest."
Winter is a great time to go inward, take your practice to a deeper level. During these cold, dark months, taking the mat out and warming your being with several rounds of sun salutations or simply lying right down on the floor doing some slow, easy twists-is so rejuvenating!
But the promise of Spring, the sun shining in the window earlier, the birdies chirpping-makes for a new sense of vigor in the home practice! As the light cheers the soul, remember to take deep breaths and express your appreciation each time you practice.Try something new you saw in a yoga magazine or online! Take a class from a different teacher! Practice a pose that, in the past, has been a challenge! Awaken a new sense of being as the snow melts away, and the first green starts to show! One of my very favorite sayings- especially when I think about it for my classes. It helps me get back to what is true in my heart: it's that I love teaching and sharing yoga, it's about serving whoever is drawn to practice with me and expanding because of our time together!
What will your choice be in any given moment?! Will you see yourself as source see's you in every moment-Divine and perfect? Or will you judge, second guess, put down, etc.? How easy it is to just continue to tell ourselves we are not good enough, that we could have been so much better-but this is all false! A belief that we have just been carrying...Once we wake up and realize how amazing we are as individuals we can start to focus in more moments and come to realize how often it is just habit we put ourselves down!
Slow down in your days enough to tune into how you REALLY FEEL about the people, the words in your experience. Tap in to how you are reacting...question yourself when you feel bad...come to realize it is just old patterns-you are good to the core. Doing the best you can in any given moment. Start on the mat. Just "you & you". Each day I practice I give thanks for all I know about yoga-for all the teachers, classes and trainings. For all the masters who have come before me and emit their energy as I teach.
Yoga is so much more than a physical routine-it is a way of life. A way of getting to know who you really are, more and more with each practice. A way to get centered, and get turned on to the light within which is also the light of source-which in turn always elevates your life experience to equal better! There are many paths to this truth- I receive the gift of learning ever more deeply the art of unconditional love. It starts with me, loving myself first. Loving myself so wholly, so truly, that I cant help but pour out that vibe to my dearest.
I am so blessed to have come to know how this really feels. To have the ability to totally step out of my own beloved skin and feel another. Letting the other have their own experience, excepting with grace that that is how it must unfold...knowing there is no other way-only their way. It happened tonite...I rolled into plow, it felt so yummy and natural and i did leg, okay still feels good....the other leg----oooohhhh eeeeeeee!!!! Oh wow, to be up in one of my favorite poses again!-it was hard to contain my excitement-but i did-drew myself inward and enjoyed this feeling that I have missed for the last 6 months.
I knew i would do a shoulderstand again in the perfect time-i felt very protective of my neck(lol)-but i just felt my way forward to here, to that moment where i just knew there was no resistence-i knew it was okay. I am so appreciative of my bodies ability to heal AND to give me the signals i need. |
AuthorI am Kumari Sky. Yoga lover.Life lover.Teacher by example. Inspirational guide.Namaste. Archives
November 2024
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